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Building Beautiful Plots with Matplotlib

October 12, 2015 blog-post matplotlib data-analysis

One of our favorite tools for data analysis and chart prototyping is iPython Notebooks, which we use with the Pandas and Matplotlib libraries of Python. Pandas is an easy-to-use library for manipulating data structures and performing data analysis in Python, while Matplotlib is a library used for generating two-dimensional charts and plots with code. Matplotlib easily builds the kinds of charts seen in scientific publications.

At the recent PythonPH Meetup held here at the Thinking Machines and Silicon Valley Insight office last September 24, our data science lead, Stef Sy, gave a short tutorial on how to use Matplotlib to generate beautiful charts.

Check out her presentation below or read the docs here. For questions or comments, follow and tweet Stef at @stefsy or view her work on Github.


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